Friday, October 3, 2008

The Abomination of the Obama Nation

They tell us the movement is like a tidal wave; inexorable, gargantuan, strong but pure and cleansing. Our country is merely the green land this wave will flood, its people the debris the wave will pick up along the way. They are the mainstream media. The wave is Barack Obama.

The level of outright worship accorded to him is past frightening. It's terrifying. It staggers me that America has become so intoxicated with this man.

I have neither the energy nor the inclination for a full-length post, I leave you to meditate upon this frightening specter that has cast it's fell shadow over American politics. Perhaps tomorrow I will edit the Circle Theory, taking into account the editorial comment I have received.

In the meantime, watch this (originally a Metallica song, if you can believe it):


lizz said...

That Obama ordial is frighting to me as well.
I could not finish watching the movie. It was a little disterbing. I am sure those people with the boat are going to get hypothermia and the cello players are having way to much fun with their freakishly long hair.

Anonymous said...

I know, the Obama thing is really creepy. I don't think he's gonna get elected though. I mean, Mccain has more experience, right? So he probably has a better chance!

lizz said...

Susie, what did you think of the video?

Anonymous said...

Uh...let's just say I didn't finish it either...